Friday, 28 August 2009

A new high speed rail link for Leeds!

Ha ha, not really.

Reports of the latest rail link to slash journey times between London and (insert random group of northern cities here) inevitably doesn't include the UK's 4th largest city. No, not Sheffield, Leeds.

Today's Independent says that the link would create £31.4bn worth of benefits to the economy nationally over a period of 60 years. I have no idea where these benefits arise exactly or why the plan includes a stop at Preston, the last before the line diverges to terminuses in Edinburgh and Glasgow much further north.

Warrington, a few miles south of Preston, will also benefit where the line would stop there at that well known metropolis and also diverge, to Liverpool and Manchester respectively. This rather leaves Preston redundant, but not as redundant as the chances of a fast train to Leeds from London or indeed anywhere else any time soon.

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